GI Newsletter 3

GI Intervention

Welcome to our winter newsletter!

We hope that you are finding the content of benefit and we really appreciate any feedback as to how we can improve. Thank you to all the article contributors of the first two newsletters.

We really enjoy engaging with our customers across the UK and offering a platform to discuss new products, procedures, techniques, and treatment options. Please follow us on Twitter @AquilantGI to stay in touch. I’m sure it’s going to be a busy run up to the Christmas period. Have fun and enjoy reading the newsletter!

David Atkinson – National Sales Manager

Product Update: Aquilant Endoscopy Medwork Portfolio - Change in distributor

We’re excited to announce that all Medwork endoscopy products will be exclusively distributed in England, Scotland and Wales by Aquilant Endoscopy.

Medwork have developed and manufactured instruments for therapeutic endoscopy since 1998 from its manufacturing site in Germany and is recognized as a leader in this field. The German manufacturers pride themselves on taking a precision-based approach to deliver a quality range of products, covering many endoscopic applications. The resource-optimized production and recyclable transport packaging minimize environmental impact.

Please get in touch with your local Territory Manager to find out more!


Treatment of hepatocellular cancer using ELRA

Endoscopic radio frequency ablation (RFA) is a relatively new technique used to treat tumour ingrowth into previously placed metal stents in inoperable tumours. We have been performing this procedure at Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospital since June 2020 with good results.

The last procedure we performed was in May 2021 for a patient with a metastatic moderately differentiated inoperable hepatocellular cancer on chemotherapy.  We used the ELRA RFA system from TaeWoong Medical for this procedure. The patient presented with jaundice (Bilirubin 210 umol/L), they had a previously placed uncovered metal stent for the biliary stricture. Imaging revealed stent ingrowth. We performed an ERCP where we found significant resistance to wire cannulation with bleeding which indicated stent ingrowth. Cholangiography demonstrated gross CBD dilatation above the stent and no filling within the stent. A decision to proceed with RFA was made. RFA was performed in two positions with 18mm ELRA with good effect as seen on the cholangiogram.  A 12cm 10Fr plastic stent was then inserted within the metal stent with good drainage.

Jaundice resolved within a week following the procedure (Bilirubin 19 umol/L) facilitating further chemotherapy for the patient.

Dr Sreelakshmi Kotha (Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist),
Dr Philip Berry
(Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist),
Dr Terry Wong
(Consultant Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist), Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS foundation trust, London


Dr Benedetto Mangiavillano is an expert on EUS-guided stenting. In this video he presents EUS-guided pseudocyst drainage, EUS-guided gastrojejunostomy and EUS-guided biliary drainage using the Hot Spaxus stent whilst sharing his own tips for the procedure.

Dr Mangiavillano (Consultant Gastroenterologist), Humanitas Medical Care, Italy


We were delighted to host our inaugural Liver Intervention Study Day with course organiser Dr Dominic Yu (Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust) on the 23rd of June this year. The online event which attracted over 170 registrations was such a success we will be running this meeting as a face-to-face event next year.

Showcasing a range of talks from a national faculty alongside invaluable discussion sessions, it is no surprise that the feedback from the event has been exceptional, and we are looking forward to coming back for a second year with Dr Yu in 2022.

The course covered the following topics and is available to view online at the below link:

  • Transjugular Liver Biopsy – Indications, tips and tricks
  • Liver Tumour Embolisation – what’s new?
  • Hilar Biliary Strictures
  • Day Case SIRT
  • Liver Trauma – Imaging and Intervention
  • IR in variceal bleed
  • Acute portal/SMV thrombosis – when to intervene and how

We’d like to extend our thanks and appreciation to the full faculty for their participation; Dr. Dominic Yu (Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust), Dr. Neil Davies (Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust), Dr. Peter Littler (Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), Dr. Aidan Shaw (Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Foundation Trust), Dr, Jon Bell (The Christie NHS Foundation Trust), Dr. Stephen Gregory (Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) and Dr. Anthie Papadopoulou (Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust).

To view all talks from this year’s meeting, please click on the link below:

Purastat International Webinar

On Wednesday the 20th October we hosted an international webinar that examined PuraStat’s impact on patient care. The meeting was moderated by some of Europe’s leading experts in Gastroenterology including Professor Helmut Neumann, Professor Alessandro Repici and Professor Pradeep Bhandari.

PuraStat is rapidly becoming a popular tool for endoscopists across the world, due in no small part to its proven efficacy and simple ease of use. The clear ready mixed hydrogel offers consultants the ability to rapidly and observably achieve haemostasis in a safe and controlled manner without risk of perforation or charring of tissue. Owing to these factors PuraStat is now becoming widely adopted in a number of procedures such as EMR, ESD, ERCP and Radiation proctitis to name but a few.

The webinar itself covered some fascinating topics which are outlined below;

  • Dr Roberta Maselli: Discussed PuraStat’s promising role of managing intraprocedural bleeding and protecting against delayed bleeding whilst also allowing for continuation of the procedure and further resection if needed.
  • Dr Christian Bojarski: Shared his teams promising research into PuraStat’s potential ability to help treat primary bleeding. Data in this area is promising as a bridge to surgery (please note PS is currently off label for primary bleeding).
  • Dr Sharmila Subramaniam: Shared the fantastic data which has been produced from the POPS study at Queen Alexandria Hospital in Portsmouth. Interesting points from this talk were to highlight that clipping isn’t always cost effective or technically easy to do and PuraStat offers an efficacious alternative. Furthermore in gastric resections where PuraStat was applied there were no reports of delayed bleeding.

If you wish to hear the full content of the webinar than please register your interest here: . Alternatively contact our partners Healthcare 21 for support or requests to trial PuraStat.

Staff Update – New Territory Manager for South East

We’re excited to announce Alex Ringer has joined our GI Intervention team as the Territory Manager for South East England! He has a background in Biological Sciences and 4 years’ experience in the medical devices industry. Outside of work Alex enjoys running, skiing and football.

Contact the Team


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