Optivantage Multiuse®

Optivantage Multiuse®

The Optivantage Multiuse® Contrast delivery system is designed with uncompromised efficiency and patient safety in busy CT environments, it has a high level of features to offer advanced functionality in a dual head injector.

Features & Benefits

• Multi-use: Very quick workflow

• Unique preconnected disposables: Easy set up and minimum leakages
• Published scientific study on patient line: Proven safety
• Touchscreen technology  (head and console): Majority of actions can be performed from the injector head
• Patency check and tilt enable: Lower risk of extravasation and air injection

• Ability to link with all RIS/Pacs/His systems so the hospital can put all the information about contrast and saline, injections into the patient file: All the information about contrast and saline, injections into the patient file.

[Available in Republic Of Ireland]