Vest™ Airway Clearance System

Vest™ Airway Clearance System

Improved lung function for the patient

The Vest™ Airway Clearance System has been demonstrated to benefit patients in the removal of retained secretions due to both acute and chronic respiratory conditions. The Vest™ System can assist in airway clearance for patients suffering from airway clearance dysfunction, secretion retention and/or ineffective cough or secretion clearance due to immobility, deconditioning or muscle weakness.

The Vest™ Airway Clearance System utilises High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation technology to dislodge mucus from the bronchial walls, and mobilises secretions and mucus from the smaller to larger airways where it can be cleared by coughing or suctioning.

[Available in Republic Of Ireland and Northern Ireland]


  • Simple, flexible programming
  • Easy
  • Safe
  • Effective


  • Normal, Ramp and Program mode with Cough Pause Option
  • No need to resposition the patient compared to CPT, reduces average therapy time compared to CPT and increased compliance to therapy compared to CPT in paediatric patients
  • No need to change head-of-bed to Trendelenburg position and has disposable single patient use garment options
  • Mobilises secretions as well as CPT, provides consistent therapy and allows concurrent administration of aerosol treatment.

The Vest P105 Brochure


The Vest P205 Brochure
